we are huts
huts laborategia was born out of the need to build a place from which to think individually and collectively about issues that have occupied and concerned both of the founders for some time: human rights, social justice, feminism, art and the construction of discourse and communicative processes, among others.
We like to listen, to watch, to experience and to tell stories.
Zuriñe and Raquel
huts laborategia
Zuriñe López de Sabando
Creator and audiovisual producer. She began her career in the Video Workshop of the School of Arts and
Arts and Crafts of Vitoria-Gasteiz. There are two very clear motivations in her career. On the one hand, the artistic creation from where her apprenticeship starts. This imprint is present in all her work, whether or not it is artistic in conception. On the other hand, from a very young age she felt the need to collaborate in the social transformation and she is linked to various social movements. Thus, the documentary format has been very present throughout her artistic and professional career. It allows her to develop a didactic narration, investigating reality, posing social discourses, making visible particular stories that become collective and the other way around.
For Zuriñe, art has been and is a refuge, a means of communication between herself and the world, a way of looking. A path of self-knowledge and healing, of transforming the reality around her.
Previous works:
- Durangas (2023)
- Palestina, Ágora artística (2020)
- Genoma (2019)
- Hezkuntza salgai (2018)
- Surgere (2012)
- Sensaciones cromáticas (2010)
Raquel Calvo Larralde
After two decades working as a journalist and as a development cooperation technician, specialising in education and communication, in recent years she has moved also into audiovisual production and creation.
- Durangas (2023)
- Yungay 7020 (2021)
- Iraultzaren haziak (2018)